Tungsten Radiation Shielding Container

What is Tungsten Radiation Shielding Container?
Radiation technology now is widely used in industry, agriculture, health, archaeology, and environmental protection and other aspects, including radiation detectors, radiotherapy apparatus and medical X-ray instruments. The important component of radiation technology equipment is the radiation shielding container. When using radiation technology, place radioactive source within the shielding container is the most important thing.
Applications of Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding Container:
Industrial instrumentation equipment and petroleum drilling
Cancer treatment equipment
Weld inspection
Large container inspection equipment
Nuclear submarine accessories
Advantages of Tungsten Radiation Shielding Container:
The main material of isotope radiation shield container is tungsten alloy. Practice shows that tungsten alloy is the best material for shielding. Compared with the traditional shielding materials, tungsten alloy reflects its advantages. Lead is one of the traditional shielding materials. But in practical process, efficiency of lead shielding is not high, and lead will cause serious pollution. Efficiency of tungsten shielding is twice of the lead shielding. Weight of tungsten shielding is 25% to 50% less than lead. Meanwhile, non-toxicity of tungsten can also reduce the costs of waste disposal.